January 2020
After sending out our plight for new grazing and boarding home for our precious alpaca herd, we received numerous offers from farmers and small holders around South Africa, who wanted to help out. Many readers phoned just to say we are with you .. the support was overwhelming.
The herd safely travelled from the Eastern Cape on the 21st of January by Horse Truck and arrived after sunset at their new home, on a farm close to Montagu
We can now announce, that the MUKUTI herd has found a new home in the Western Cape.
The transfer from truck to bakkies and a trailer went without a hitch, thanks to the calm handling of Ronnie Warwick (Wild Horse Carriers), the wonderful team of Healing Farm Haven and very hands-on Alpaca person, Jenny Turck.
We would like to thank each and everyone who made this new venture possible. We are deeply humbled by the support and good wishes.
May our herd make us all proud and thrive in their new home.
Verena and Manfred Hinsch – The Mukuti Team